本文将深入探究VMDq(Virtual Machine Device Queue)相关内容。


强烈建议观看视频Intel VMDq Explanation,非常清晰地介绍了VMDq,下面主要是视频中的概要总结,将以Without VMDq与With VMDq来做对比。

Without VMDq

A single core(you have one core that’s actually in charge of handling every packet before it determines which other core interrupt for the action, copy the data to the target vm) cannot keep up with 10 Gbps of data. Most packets coming in require two interrupts, one for the core assigned to handle Ethernet interrupts, followed by an interrupt of the core processing the VM where the packet is targetd for.

With VMDq

Receive Path

  • Data packets for different VMs get sorted at the Ethernet silicon based on MAC address/VLAN tags
  • Sorted data packets get parsed to the respective VMs
  • Data packets being received by respective VMs

Reduces overhead and increases throughput by sorting packets with the Intel Ethernet Controller and spreading the workload amongst multiple CPU cores.


这节主要是mark下Intel® VMDq Technology white paper中的关键notes。


  • VMDq

  • SR-IOV

Unlike SR-IOV, which exposes a complete device interface to the virtual machine guest, VMDq only provides network queues to the virtual machine guest.



  1. Intel VMDq Explanation
  2. Intel® VMDq Technology white paper
  3. 网卡虚拟化技术:VMDq和SR-IOV
  4. CompSC: live migration with pass-through devices
  5. What is the difference between SR-IOV and VMDQ?