本文将记录PCIe中PRI(Page Request Interface)相关知识点。

阅读本文前,读者需要对ATSguest memory pinning when direct assignment of I/O devices有一定的了解。

PRI(Page Request Interface) allows functions(BDF中的F) to raise page faults to the IOMMU.

1. DMA Page Fault Support

Description from PCIe spec:

Description from ASPLOS ’17 paper:

2. Page Request Services

The general model for a page request is as follows:

  1. A Function determines that it requires access to a page for which an ATS translation is not available.
  2. The Function causes the associated Page Request Interface to send a Page Request Message to its RC. A Page Request Message contains a page address and a Page Request Group (PRG) index. The PRG index is used to identify the transaction and is used to match requests with responses.
  3. When the RC determines its response to the request (which will typically be to make the requested page resident), it sends a PRG Response Message back to the requesting Function.
  4. The Function can then employ ATS to request a translation for the requested page(s).

3. Implementation

4. Q & A

Q: 如果IOMMU支持pri的话,设备也需要去适配pri才能work吗?
A: 是的,设备要支持ats和pri,并且提供device tlb

Q: 请问是设备往PRQ中填写的io page fault的entry吗?
A: 是的,PRQ就是一个共享内存

Q: 每个设备一个PRQ吗?
A: 不是,一个iommu只有一个PRQ,不同设备都往里面放

Q: 那如果两个设备同时往PRQ中放的话,会存在竞态吗?
A: 不会,iommu硬件分发的,保序的
Q: 就是如果两个设备同时往PRQ写入entry的话,iommu也做仲裁,所以可以解决竞态的问题?
A: 是的,不过设备无法写PRQ entry,只有iommu可以写,设备发page request pci message

Q: 最后是iommu发中断通知os来处理这些io page fault吧?
A: 是的


  1. Address Translation Services Revision 1.1
  2. Shared Virtual Memory in KVM
  3. Page Fault Support for Network Controllers, ASPLOS ’17